Monday, April 30, 2007

Phony Folksy Hillary

John Kass has an entertaining and pointed column on Hillary. In case you missed her latest bizarre Bill imitation--- intended phony folksy yes, unintended Bill baggage no:
"When I walk into the Oval Office in 2009, I'm afraid I'm going to lift up the rug and see so much stuff under there," she told the adoring crowd in a Southern accent, twanging her vowels. "You know, what is it about us always having to clean up after people?"
YouTube here. As I recall, (unlike some people), the Clintons' trashed the White House before they left and made off with a truckload of furniture, otherwise known as public property. (We won't mention that little room off the Oval Office that needed a super scrub.)

But what can you expect from a pink-suited liar who was so cheap she donated her husband's underwear to charity (wonder if it's resurfaced on eBay) to claim the deductions. (Yes, she inflated the value.) And yes, they are still doing stuff like this, including donating to her favorite cattle futures' broker's favorite charity.

As far as her accents go, anything is preferable to her usual flat, hectoring tones.

I would hazard she has a very tin ear, so as far as speaking French, I take comfort that the French will be subjected to one of the most atrocious American accents ever. She does have a fine mind, so perhaps she is fluent, but as I recall from The Devil and Daniel Webster, the devil spoke bad French very well.

UPDATE: Watergate reporter Bernstein takes apart Hillary's career story.

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