Sunday, April 15, 2007

Stabilizing the PLANET

So not only do the Democrats trivialize real threats of disease while trumpeting bad habits as epidemics, now we are to ignore real threats to national security while redefining global warming, a dubious scientific proposition, as a matter of national security. NY Times:

“Just look at Somalia in the early 1990s,” Mr. Schwartz said. “You had disruption driven by drought, leading to the collapse of a society, humanitarian relief efforts, and then disastrous U.S. military intervention. That event is prototypical of the future.”

“Picture that in Central America or the Caribbean, which are just as likely,” he said. “This is not distant, this is now. And we need to be preparing.”

Lefties think the US is on a quixotic mission to bring democracy to an unstable world, but now they want us to control the weather:

The effects of global warming, the study said, could lead to large-scale migrations, increased border tensions, the spread of disease and conflicts over food and water. All could lead to direct involvement by the United States military.

The report recommends that climate change be integrated into the nation’s security strategies and says the United States “should commit to a stronger national and international role to help stabilize climate changes at levels that will avoid significant disruption to global security and stability.”

We are to have global climate cops, presumably wearing glowing green helmets.

Presumably more Homeland Security money is to be squandered not just on fattening Dem- allied union pockets in our cities, union mobsters at our ports, and funding Islamo-fascist anti-American agit-prop, now if the Democrats get their way we are going to be spending billions on global warming with little to show for it.

Maybe we could redefine Al Qaeda into a greenhouse gas and we might get somewhere. Unfortunately the kind of gas AQ is interested in has immediate deadly effects. Maybe the Supreme Court can just declare Al Qaeda a pollutant. That'll take care of the problem for sure.

(Hey, if the Democrats can take this wide-ranging GLOBAL, no make that PLANETARY cause and effect approach to encompass every issue, why can't I? Hmm?)

P.S. Oh no! What if someone suggests there is a global warming problem in Sudan, what to do?

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