Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Stroger's PR

It makes me sick to write about this. Todd Stroger and the Democrats who engineered his "election" are a disgrace. Stroger appoints more cronies to more six-figure salaries and ignores the public interest. (The Sun Times editorialized about this the other day, but they endorsed him too. At least the Trib has clean hands on this one.) Tribune editorial:
Why should I bother? All the Democrats -- Barack Obama, Dick Durbin, Rich Daley, Rod Blagojevich, Lisa Madigan, Jesse Jackson Jr., Rahm Emanuel, Bobbie Steele, Dick Devine -- they all endorsed me last year. They put up their reputations to craft a "reformer" image for me.

And they'll all endorse me again.
His latest is a $100,000 assistant to handle his PR. The best PR move would be to fire him and not stop there.

Previous post: Cronyism for Goons

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