Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Young and Restless

Apparently there are lots of the French who have taken refuge in Britain, their old foe, presumably because France is falling apart. And the Poles are emigrating to England and Ireland as well, despite the booming Polish economy. Anne Applebaum, WaPo:
All of this is, of course, precisely what previous generations of European politicians have feared. For the past decade, French, German and other European leaders have tried to unify European tax laws and regulations, the better to "even out the playing field" -- or (depending on your point of view) to make life equally difficult everywhere. The emigration patterns of the past decade -- and the past five years in particular -- prove that that effort has failed. Sarkozy's election campaign, if successful, might put the final nail in the coffin.
The young and those restless for opportunity have voted with their feet. Are there enough of them left in France to elect Sarkozy? Who knows, but the playing field will eventually be leveled one way or another.

More pungent commentary on the upcoming election at No Paseran here, here, here.

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