Thursday, June 07, 2007

Goracle on the Loose in Chicago

The Goracle was on the loose in Chicago yesterday in his latest assault on reason. Apparently there is also a youth version of his previous book, giving him the opportunity to be even more moronic and alarmist, if that were possible. Metaphor alert, (might want to avert your eyes from this one or they'll be stinging) Sun Times:
The former vice president explained The Assault on Reason takes a look at the "cracks in our democracy," questioning why the Earth's atmosphere is polluted daily "as if it was an open sewer," and how fear has clouded America's political vision.

Vince Pryor, who wore a "Gore '08" sticker on his T-shirt, said Gore's book rings with truth. (cover your ears too.)

"He's that bright light that America needs right now," said Pryor.

The former vice-president is apparently preoccupied with Paris Hilton stealing the limelight:

Gore challenged the media to shift focus from Paris Hilton and other celebrity gossip to more politically engaging news that gets people involved in making the country better.

Gore said while he would not run for president, he's committed to a campaign to provide knowledge about issues like global warming, so humankind can survive.

Maybe we can all join him at his mini-mansion in Tennessee to see how it's done.

Go home Al.

P.S. Maggie Gallagher, RCP describes Al's Hell on Earth. The Instapundit is beating out the Kos Kids on those new lightbulbs. As one reader responded: "As PJ O’Rourke once said, everyone wants to save the world; no one wants to help mom with the dishes." And luddite greenies oppose clean energy everywhere. (do they ride their bikes to rallies?)

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