Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Chertoff in Chicago

Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff paid a visit to Chicago and met with the Tribune editorial board, speaking of his "gut feeling" that we are at increased risk of a terrorist attack this summer, based on their seasonal patterns and increased Al Qaida chatter:
"We've seen a lot more public statements from Al Qaeda," he said. "There are a lot of reasons to speculate about that but one reason that occurs to me is that they're feeling more comfortable and raising expectations.

"We could easily be attacked," Chertoff added. "The intent to attack us remains as strong as it was on Sept. 10, 2001."
Referring to the London and Glasgow bombings, specific Chicago mention:
On a local level, Chertoff cited Chicago's technologically savvy police department and its use of street-corner, blue-lighted cameras as a blueprint for strong homeland security.

"I think the use of cameras here and other technologies is a model for the country," he said.
And this, (which has relevance for Chicago's stance as a sanctuary city):
If border crossings are not tightened with stricter document regulation because of economic oppositions from business interests, then Chertoff predicts possible dire consequences.

"What do you think is going to happen to your business when a guy comes across the border with a phony document and blows up a target in Buffalo or Detroit?" he asked. "Do you think the American public is then going to allow the border to remain open?"
All the more reason to keep Al Qaida otherwise occupied overseas.

UPDATE: Some related politics. Pacifist former Sen. and Dem presidential candidate George McGovern resurfaces. You may recall he lost in a landslide. And this stunning reminder:
"When the Democrats nominate someone who is seen to be hawkish -- Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter in his first incarnation as a nuclear submarine commander -- they win," said Ben Wattenberg, a longtime analyst who has advocated that Democrats retain a hawkish platform.

"When (Democrats) nominate someone who seems soft -- Adlai Stevenson, Hubert Humphrey, who I love, Jimmy Carter in his second incarnation -- they lose," Wattenberg added. "This is not proof, but Americans want a guy who will stand up for America."

Thank God Carter isn't commanding a nuclear sub now---he'd probably turn it over to Castro--or Iran. Democrats---they don't stand up for America anymore. (Why do they hate us?)

UPDATE: Mostly liberal Eric Zorn makes some good points on a Chicago criminal given sanctuary, gets the attention of HotAir.

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