Elizabeth Edwards is...
...giving up tangerines to do her part for global warming.
But her husband John, who is running for president, isn't giving up his private jet rides.
Nor are most of the other Dem candidates, as noted at last night's debate. (Kucinich the odd man out as usual--who knows how he got there, maybe by moonbeam.)
Lear Jet Liberals on display:The "deprived" Dem elites who preach to the rest of us.
UPDATE: Jay D. Homnick, The American Spectator, on Dem eco-quackery:
Watching Albert Arnold Gore Jr., Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr., and their fellow juniors consistently duck the tough questions about the scientific shortcomings of their elaborate phantasm of global warming, carbon footprints, hybrid automobiles, fluorescent light bulbs, greenhouse gases, toxic emissions, shrinking icecaps, melting glaciers, homeless polar bears and boring documentaries, it suddenly hit me: if it ducks like a quack, it must be a quack.Read on.
The venerable American institution of quackery -- quack science, quack medicine, quack theories of anatomy and digestion -- seems to be revenant today. It is back in all its glory, now adorned with the sophisticated mantle of modern presentation.
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