Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Jennifer on the Hunt

Another embarassing column by a whiny Jennifer Hunter in the Sun Times. She prints a cheesy and ridiculous letter from her Dem buddy, the supposed staunch Republican trial lawyer, and accuses bloggers and readers of demagoguery when they point out such an obvious untruth. Letter from Mr. James R. Ronca, final paragraphs. (Previous post here):
This campaign against you and me is ridiculous and I think evidence of how the Republican Party works. They make an effort to pressure journalists to print what they want and avoid what the Republican Party does not like. No free thinking or free press is allowed. They smear everyone who opposes them from big fish like Joe Wilson to small fries like me.

I am going to have some investigation done into the source and funding for this blog and I will give it to you. Maybe we can get you some information so you can write a Pulitzer Prize-winning article on the Republican conservative party sneak attacks on free press and free speech.

Smear? What smear?

Did he give money to Democrats? Yes, overwhelmingly. Ted Kennedy? Yes.

Ronca's a trial lawyer. Enough said.

As far as threatening bloggers, get real.

And claiming the high road on news gathering is quite a stretch for Ms. Jennifer Hunter, who has yet to publicly acknowledge that she is married to the publisher John Cruikshank, though this has been bandied about for some time, and among Leftie blogs as well:
It has to be difficult being the publisher’s wife. When you’re given a post on the editorial board and then a column – blessings previously bestowed on Hunter – mopes in the newsroom talk. They draw the obvious parallels between the high-living old regime of Conrad Black and his wife Barbara Amiel, who was some sort of editorial VP entitled to stick her nose in anywhere, and the upright new crew led by publisher John Cruickshank and Hunter, who's apparently similarly entitled. What’s changed? they ask. And when Hunter asks for and gets the Obama beat, they consider the question answered.
But I suppose that's a smear too. Perhaps The Chicago Reader is part of the conservative cabal.

Should I by some strange chance see Jennifer on the Hunt at some Republican gathering, I'll be sure to let her know I'm a lifelong Democrat. I can just visualize the Pulitzer.

More from Jack Kelly, RCP, and from Powerline.

UPDATE: A reader points out there is no comparison to Barbara Amiel: "Just for the record, Barbara Amiel is no Jennifer Hunter. She was an award-winning conservative columnist when she met and married Conrad Black. Her own column was brilliant." I would add that under Black the Sun Times was a fine newspaper.

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