Friday, July 13, 2007

Lifting the Veil

Recent instances of terrorists hiding not just hiding behind women and children in firefights they have initiated, but putting on burqas to escape capture--no suicidal impulses there, for all their tough talk. (It's usually the "leaders" who behave this way.) Georgie Anne Geyer:
Now, what better way to disguise yourself, if you are a young foreign terrorist, than to play the burqa-covered woman? The Muslim community in Britain, surely one of the least grateful refugee communities in history, had already set up the conundrum: Make the liberal Brits feel guilty if they do not allow Muslim women to wear the veil, the burqa or the niqab (all variations on covering women in public), and then use the multicultural trick for treasonous purposes. Indeed, what could be more logical?

What is not logical is why the British or the Europeans -- or, we Americans -- would put up with such dangerous and insulting cultural intrusions. [snip]

The covering of women in the Middle East is a mark of subjugation, a signal that they belong to men and not to society. In fact, there is nothing in the Quran instructing women to cover themselves totally, only to dress modestly, and the practice is of fairly recent origin. Employed in the West, it is actually an in-your-face gesture of disrespect for Western principles.
Mary Laney with more on the Islamofascist ideology, quoting a former terrorist based in London. It's about them, it's not about us:
Butt writes, "Formal Islamic theology, unlike Christian-Judeo theology, does not allow for the separation of church and state; they are considered one and the same. For centuries, the reasoning of Islamic jurists has set down rules of interaction between Dar ul-Islam (the Land of Islam) and Dar ul-Kufr (the Land of Unbelief) to cover every matter of trade, peace and war. But what radical Islamists do is take this two steps further. Their first step has been to argue that, since there is no pure Islamic state, the whole world must be the Land of Unbelief. Step two: Since Islam must declare war on unbelief, they have declared war on the whole world."
He goes on to say he left when he realized they had become "mindless killers", not driven by poverty but by this radical belief. In this he echoes Hirsi Ali and Nonie Darwish who have spoken out for Islam to reform itself.

At least one warring, hate-spewing mosque has been stopped. The veil has been lifted and its leaders have been shown to be cowards and bullies.

There are others yet to be confronted.

Related posts: In Search of Reform Muslims, Female Slaughter

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