R. James Woolsey and Nina Shea, WSJ:
On the eve of his departure from office, Mr. Blair gave a television interview taking on those he once courted--British Islamists who have been quick to level charges of Islamophobia and oppression against Britain and the United States: "The reason we are finding it hard to win this battle [against terror] is that we're not actually fighting it properly. We're not actually standing up to these people and saying, 'It's not just your methods that are wrong, your ideas are absurd. Nobody is oppressing you. Your sense of grievance isn't justified.' . . . Some of what is written on this is loopy-loo in its extremism."
Contrast this with the Bush administration's new approach. On June 27, President Bush delivered his "Muslim Initiative" address at the Washington Islamic Center in tribute to the 50th anniversary of that organization's founding, by Saudi Arabia. Wahhabism is the state religion of Saudi Arabia, and its extremist ideology often flows with the kingdom's money. The Islamic Center is not an exception.
Very bad idea. And the Bush administration is considering "reaching out" to the extremist Muslim Brotherhood?!! Undercutting our own war on terror and confirming their view of the US as a weak horse? Note all the Saudi Wahhabist terrorists doing jihad in Iraq (and recall the majority of 9/11 Al Qaeda came from Saudi). At least those killers are getting killed over there.
Let's not defeat ourselves at home accepting a Trojan horse of multiculti platitudes. Our freedom is at stake.
Related post: In Search of Reform Muslims, The Multiculti Trap
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