Thursday, July 05, 2007

Obama Transcendent

Obama faces East on his campaign stump through this Midwestern town, bowing to the teachings of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, in alignment with the rotation of the Earth. Back in the 70's, the Maharishi founded a university in this small Iowa town, espousing transcendental meditation to bring inner peace. According to The Politico, Obama wowed the crowd:
After September 11, the Maharishi was briefly back in the news when he introduced an antidote to terrorism called “Invincible Defense Technology,” and reliant on the meditation technique known as “Yogic Flying.”

“A lot of people here are very supportive of Dennis Kucinich,” said Victoria Mattingly, 54, who works for a company that makes environmentally-friendly building materials.

Actually, Jefferson County, in which Fairfield sits, is one of the few Howard Dean carried in the 2004 caucuses -- with Kucinich coming in a strong second. And some heard a strain of the Ohio Congressman -- with his talk of the world as “interconnected and interdependent,” and his pledge to “heal this planet” -- in Obama’s speech.

“The memorable part for me about the connection we have to each other,” said Keith Ratzlaff, a creative writing professor from nearby Pella who was a Kucinich delegate. “That’s not something we’ve heard from the other candidates.”
Yogic Flying, very creative. Magic carpets next. And Obama made a special point of courting this constituency. Hmm, inner peace. Maybe the Yogic Flyers can swallow terrorists whole. Barack Obama, transcending reality at Maharishi Mahesh Yogi U.

Previous post: Charm Offensive

UPDATE: Trib was there, they mention the sandals. This might not play too well for Obama back home in Illinois, except maybe among the Lakeshore Liberals.

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