Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Romney Goes Mainstream

The Romney campaign unveiled a new ad with ocean imagery, appealing to parents and social conservatives on the need to clean up our culture for the sake of our children.

Comment from RCP.

Comment from WaPo.

Comment from Powerline.

I think the ad appeals to most parents across the political spectrum (remember Tipper Gore before Al got the Veep?), and the imagery only helps, as it introduces an eco dimension---the greenie circle of life-style.

That doesn't mean they'll ever vote for a Republican. But remember, Romney was elected in Massachusetts. And one of the reasons people, and women, can't stand Hillary is that she enabled and covered up for Bill's promiscuity, turning the Oval Office into a cesspool. And for those pro-life voters for whom family is important, (which includes a few Democrats), Romney is the only major Republican candidate who is still married to his first wife (jokes aside).

I don't want to overstate this, but this ad, tho a bit sappy, is very effective, and makes Romney more mainstream. (that just slipped out:)

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