Sunday, July 08, 2007

Romney Reaches Out

Trib on overtures to Latinos in America by 2008 candidates. Interesting info on Gov. Romney:
Republicans also are reaching out to Hispanic voters. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has run Spanish-language radio ads in Florida, where former state GOP Chairman Al Cardenas, a Cuban-American, is a high-profile supporter. [snip]

By some accounts, roughly 40 percent of Latino voters supported President Bush for re-election in 2004, reflecting what GOP partisans say is a social and religious conservatism that runs deep within some parts of the community.

"The analysis on this question has really been oversimplified," said Kevin Madden, a spokesman for Romney. "Latino voters are not single-issue voters. They care about the economy, about the future of education in this country, about traditional marriage and a respect for the sanctity of life. We think these things resonate with those voters."
Good points, good message. The Republican approach tends to be colorblind, and that's healthy for American society.

WaPo article on Mitt's data guru. And a piece on Romney in The Economist---read it all---essentially, to see him is to believe him. My Man Mitt has more.

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