Monday, July 16, 2007

Shift Toward Life

In the last 15 years there has been a shift---younger voters are more pro-life than earlier cohorts. James Taranto, OpinionJournal quotes from the Illinois-based polling firm Overbrook Research:
This youngest cohort's passage into adulthood coincided with the ascendance of partial-birth abortion as the issue's dominant frame; for them, the "abortion wars" of the 1980s and early 1990s were a dim memory at best. This is also the generation for whom fetal ultrasound images (often of a very high quality) have become ubiquitous, which has doubtlessly increased the sensitivity of many to the possible humanity of the unborn child. Furthermore, these voters have come of age with legal abortion, perhaps with the realization that they themselves could have been aborted had their parents "chosen" differently. . . . Particularly for those who may have reflected on the narrowness with which they themselves escaped abortion, the whole notion of self-interest seems to have been stood on its head.
Taranto discusses The Roe Effect and the political implications for the parties, the trend tending to favor Republicans.

Picture of babies bonding in the womb.

Related posts: A Plain-Spoken Court, Liberty for the Little People, NOW you Lose, The Fertile Heartland

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