Thursday, August 02, 2007

Blagojevich for President

Dem eminence grise Bill Daley, (last seen big time in Fla. working for would be president Al Gore being shocked, shocked about a butterfly ballot similar to those routinely used in Chicago and Crook County) emerges to lay down the hammer to the Do-Nothing Democrats in a desperate op-ed in the Tribune:
Blagojevich might take note: step back from health-care reform, move forward on other issues, demonstrate thoughtful leadership and a willingness to compromise, and earn a second chance. If state government shuts down or Springfield adjourns without any real progress, people will not be so generous with him or his fellow Democrats in the next election.
Have a nice day:) Blagojevich for President. The Governator-NOT.

(You mean stuffing ballot boxes isn't enough? And we Dems can't really just print money?)

UPDATE: SIGN the Illinois GOP online petition for a common sense budget and against tax hikes.

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