Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dem Anti-Semitism No Joke

Illinois Reason continues to trivialize the issue of anti-Semitism among Democrats. For example, I don't think anti-Semitism is a joke, and this happened at DNC meeting:
Paul Miller in The American Thinker points out its increasing anti-Semitism, and specifically the behavior of Jan Schakowsky:
The Illinois representative ignored blatant anti-Semitic attacks in her presence two years later when she attended a mock Judiciary Committee hearing. In plain view of a C-SPAN audience she sat behind Congressman Moran as he questioned former intelligence analyst Ray McGovern. The ex-intelligence analyst claimed that the U.S. went to war for oil, military bases and Israel. Moran thanked McGovern for his "candid answer," which also included comments claiming the war was conducted so the "U.S. and Israel could dominate that part of the world." Schakowsky just sat there and didn't raise an eyebrow.

A large crowd watched the hearing at DNC Headquarters. During the broadcast, activists handed out documents that claimed an Israeli company had advance knowledge of the September 11 attacks. Once again her political allies unleashed anti-Jewish propaganda as she kept her head in the sand. Not until Washington Post Reporter, Dana Milbank, wrote an article exposing the event did any apology come from the DNC. Schakowsky never criticized her colleagues or personally apologized for the incident.

Recently Jewish Leftists have acknowledged there is an anti-Semitic agenda among Progressives, one that has gained prominence within the anti-war movement.
And what about Illinois Dem Governor Blagojevich pandering to the Nation of Islam, keeping them on his Hate Crimes commission when they engaged in grossly anti-Semitic remarks? Then there's the new star of the Democrat Congress, Keith Ellison, who apologizes for terrorists and accepts money from CAIR, a group that won't even agree that Hamas is a terrorist organization--and why would it---CAIR goes to Hamas meetings. Most Muslim Americans have shunned CAIR since its sympathies became known, but not Keith Ellison.

And as far as the Daily Kos, I repeat, there are numerous examples of really vicious hate speech and worse. Lame stereotypic some-of-my-best-friends-are-Jews remarks by an un PC idiot old fart like former Republican governor Tommy Thompson are not the issue, and I have never engaged in calling anyone on that.

Related posts: Hair-Splitting Secularists, Slander and Slaughter, Deny it all you like, Spinning the Web

Most of the hateful content that’s been brought out recently by media has appeared in Daily Kos “diaries.” Diary posts at Daily Kos are not comments; they’re blog posts, by registered users, they’re monitored, and each diary generates its own thread of comments.

And you won’t find a single page of comments at Daily Kos that contains a disclaimer, to explicitly point out that comments are the responsibility of the poster, not representative of the views of the owner.

At LGF, you’ll find such a disclaimer at the top of every page of comments.

Kos wants it both ways; he wants to claim this huge army of readers when it makes him look powerful, but disavow them when they embarrass him.

UPDATE at 8/15/07 10:00:07 am:

The diarists, of course, are going nuts over the criticisms: Daily Kos: Jews Evicted, Millions Branded Subhuman At Lieberman Endorsed Event.

UPDATE at 8/15/07 1:19:20 pm:

And after Kos’s little smear job, it turns out the comment he quoted was posted at Maine Web Report by ... wait for it ... a leftist troll.

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