Alas, several Democratic lawmakers, including Sen. Dick Durbin, are suggesting now that Congress take another look at instituting a fairness mandate. The clamor began after conservative radio talk show hosts attacked an ill-fated immigration reform bill when it was on the Senate floor. In an attempt to muffle those right-wing radio show hosts, the pols want us to return to the not-so-thrilling days of yesteryear when the government tried to control who said what on the airwaves.Sen. Dick Big Brother Durbin, more dull every day.
Maybe these politicians think they can win the next debate if only the other side wouldn't talk so much, wouldn't rouse the rabble, wouldn't, wouldn't, wouldn't be so ... effective in airing their views. We supported that immigration bill. But this sounds to us like sore losers who want to change the rules after they've lost.
Previous posts: Drummer Boy Durbin, FCC Boosts Broadcast Freedom, Priceless, Dick Durbin, Liar
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