Monday, August 20, 2007

Fight for Victory

Move America Forward, America's largest pro-troop organization is embarking on a Fight for Victory Tour across America. There will be a rally in Chicago the evening of Sept. 11th. For more information, go here.

UPDATE: In case you missed it, excerpt from NY Times op-ed piece by 7 American soldiers in Iraq. At HotAir, with rebuttal by Blackfive:
Rather than engage the political question of what to do about Iran, I want to point to the military reality that their involvement creates. What we are seeing here is not a national liberation movement by Shi'ites against Americans come to be viewed as occupiers. What we are seeing is a divided Shi'ite Iraq, engaged in deadly infighting; with Iran backing some of the groups in a bid to control Iraq, and meanwhile also using them to wage proxy attacks against the United States. A national liberation movement directed against us would be a cause for despair indeed; less so the situation as it is. We can debate separately how we deal with Iran, but when we have dealt with them, a large part of this issue will resolve itself.
And the Clinton apologist machine turned terrorist apologists have launched a PR campaign to undermine support for the surge ( here on one blog in Illinois), as it's starting to work. And they know it. Blackfive:
Notice the uptick in troll activity? Well, that's just the beginning. MoveOn and George Soros and VoteVets and CodePink and the cast of lunatic fringe elements are all trying to get ahead of the testimony from General Petraeus and paint the surge as a loss.In order to join the fight, Uncle Jimbo and I should be joining up with Veterans for Freedom in Washington DC on September 17th and 18th. And both of us should be at a MAF rally on September 11th here in Chicago. Please consider joining us.
September 11th cost us 3,000 lives and billions to our economy.

What's the cost of a smoking gun mushroom cloud in one of our cities, hmm liberals?

What's the cost of wiping Israel off the face of the Earth.

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