Dear Friend,
Following an eight-month debacle, the Democratically controlled legislature finally passed a state budget. With your help, the Illinois Republican Party along with legislative Republicans ensured Illinois passed a budget without tax increases.
It was a hard fought battle that we won. Republicans and Illinois taxpayers won the battle, but the fight against tax increases is far from over.
Just this week Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan indicated he is supporting yet another tax increase. This time, it’s aimed at suburban families allegedly to bail out mass transit in the Chicago region and the vote could come as soon as next week.
It goes without saying that our mass transit system throughout Illinois and the Chicagoland area needs funding support. However, funding should come from a strong, stable capital plan with a dedicated revenue source that does not burden Illinois taxpayers.
Rod Blagojevich and the Democrats in the legislature continue to propose massive tax increases and government expansion to fund their pet projects.
Now they want to increase taxes on everyday items like school supplies, clothing and other goods essential to working families.
As the kids head back to school, Illinois families need a break, not more taxes.
Every indication is that this tax hike could come for a vote this Tuesday, September 4.
When you are out this Labor Day weekend make sure your family and friends know the Democrats are up to their same old games again wanting to take more of your hard earned money.
Tell them to contact their local legislators and say no to SB 572 and no to any new tax increases.
With best wishes,
Andy McKenna
Related posts: Governor Hellhole, Governor No Lincoln
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