Thursday, August 02, 2007

Obama Absent on Ethics

Eric Zorn spotlights the state of ethics reform in Illinois:
State Sen. Christine Radogno (R-Lemont) sent an open letter to Democratic presidential hopeful U.S. Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois earlier this week suggesting gently but archly that it's time for Obama to walk the walk on political ethics reform rather than just talk the talk:

I think you should be aware that many of your proposed "Taking Back Our Government" (.pdf) initiatives mirror legislation that we in the Illinois State Senate have been trying to advance.

Obama's response?:

Obama's spokesman Bill Burton said Radogno's suggestion is "irregular" and indicated Obama is unlikely to heed it. And if he did, odds are that Jones would chafe at a scolding on ethics from his former protege.

The opportunity for Obama here is not to get reform legislation moving in Springfield, but to use a statement on such legislation to distance himself from the ethically dubious state and local political figures with whom he remains uncomfortably cozy.

Radogno's snappy letter is calling him out. He's staying in his corner.

Obama doesn't seem overly bothered by his association with dubious characters, given he just hired Rep. Jan Schakowsky's (D-9th) felonious spouse Robert Creamer, and put on the payroll the same PR guy who's defending Governor Grin on Rezko and Co.

[Note our sanctimonious state Senator Jeff Schoenberg is promising action on this ethics measure. We won't hold our breath.]

Previous posts: Commander Obama, Obama and the Backstabbers, Strike Two for Obama

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