Friday, August 03, 2007

Outrage in the House

Democrats openly cheat on the House floor. From Powerline:

A Washington source writes:

An outrage was committed on the House floor tonight. I still can't quite believe what happened.

While voting on a motion to recommit for the agricultural appropriations legislation, the presiding chair (who is a Democrat member) gaveled the vote closed. The tally was clear and the vote was over. The Republicans had won. Then, realizing what had happened - the Dems allowed just their people to keep voting to change the result. Let's be clear, this wasn't holding the vote open - they changed the results of a vote that was legally declared over.

Rep. Eric Cantor wrote a blog post describing what happened.

This is an insult to our democracy, something that Stalin would recognize. It is an unprecedented violation of our democracy that can not be allowed to stand. Do we live in a democracy or a dictatorship?

And, what was so important that the Dems went to all this trouble -- it was a vote to ensure that illegal immigrants couldn't get taxpayer funding in the agriculture bill. The Dems are so opposed to this, that they would violate our democracy.

We need to spread the word. The American People need to know what is happening in their government.

The Politico smells something fishy:

Details remain fuzzy, but numerous Republicans argued afterward that they had secured a 215-213 win on their motion to bar undocumented immigrants from receiving any federal funds apportioned in the agricultural spending bill for employment or rental assistance. Democrats, however, argued the measure was deadlocked at 214-214 and failed, members and aides on both sides of the aisle said afterward.

One GOP aide saw McNulty gavel the vote to a close after receiving a signal from his leaders – but before reading the official tally. And votes continued to shift even after he closed the roll call - a strange development in itself.

Then the entire vote was expunged from the record. Commentary on the Dems' actions and video via RedState "Even if the election is over, it isn't *really* over until we get the desired result":

UPDATE: Rep. Eric Cantor unloads on the House floor this morning on the Democrats' abuse of power:

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