Thursday, October 11, 2007

Canada in the News

At one point in the Republican debate the other night, Chris Matthews tried to play gotcha with Fred Thompson, asking him who's the leader of Canada. Harper, Fred said, and spoke well of our major trading partner. Later, Rudy Giuliani quipped one reason not to institute HillaryCare here --where would Canadians go for their health care? (the other question is where would we go?)

Universal health care is being touted as a panacea--John Stossel has a few thoughts about that. Consider what is really happening now. On Brit's show last night there was a story about high-risk preemies being born in Seattle and surrounds. Nothing too unusual about that, on its face, but these babies were born to Canadian mothers, who sometimes have to stay in the hospital for months. The reason? No room in Canada. No beds, no care. Such much for "free" and "universal" health care. Canadian taxpayers are paying through the nose for this of course---which has to be unsustainable.

One other minor point---these minors upon birth enjoy dual citizenship.

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