Monday, October 22, 2007

Courting Conservatives

(Composite pix by The Politico)

I watched it last night. (My spouse watched the playoffs. We checked in with each other for developments.) FoxNews moderated the best Republican debate so far--passionate and substantive. The Politico on the "four-way fireworks".

Fred Thompson came out swinging, getting in some good jabs at Giuliani, comparing him to Hillary on a number of issues. I liked Giuliani best when he spoke in support of school choice as a civil rights issue, stating the problem with NCLB--the enforcers should not be bureaucrats, but parents. Romney hit Hillary on health care, and emphasized his private-sector approach and management experience. And McCain spoke seriously about the war and his porkbusting record, combining the two in a humorous and devastating critique of Hillary:
Finding a way to marry a soft Clinton jab with his fiscal conservative credentials and Vietnam war record, McCain pointed out that the New Yorker had sought to include an earmark for a Woodstock museum.

“Now, my friends, I wasn't there. I'm sure it was a cultural and pharmaceutical event. I was tied up at the time.”

The last line brought about a torrent of applause and a rarely-seen-at-a-debate standing ovation from the entire crowd.
Interestingly, FoxNews mentioned their poll that showed McCain the closest Republican in a race against Hillary.

Sen. Brownback has dropped out, so Gov. Huckabee is vying for the social conservative mantle, decisively winning the Family Research Council vote this weekend. Huckabee talked Republican unity last night, but he is a protectionist on trade, and in the most important measure of a Republican domestically, he has arguably the worst record on taxes of any of the candidates. (McCain is close) Club for Growth:
"Governor Huckabee says he is a fiscal conservative," Club for Growth President Pat Toomey said, "but his ten-year economic-policy record as the governor of Arkansas is mixed, at best. His history includes numerous tax hikes, ballooning government spending, and increased regulation. To be sure, Governor Huckabee's record displays an occasional deference to a pro-growth philosophy, but that is only a small slice of a much bigger picture.
I am a social conservative, but no way will I vote for this guy. He would set back the conservative cause disastrously.

RCP debate analysis
, video highlights.

UPDATE: State Sen. Bill Brady officially chairman of Sen. Fred Thompson's campaign in Illinois:
McLean, VA - Senator Fred Thompson's campaign today announced its top leadership for its operation in the State of Illinois. State Senator Bill Brady of Bloomington will serve as the Chairman of the campaign's state organization and Congressman Don Manzullo will serve as its Vice-Chairman.

"The groundswell of support that we're seeing among Illinois Republicans makes me very excited to be a part of this organization," Senator Brady said. "Senator Thompson's consistently conservative record and his willingness to take on America's most pressing challenges uniquely prepares him to not only lead our party, but also win a general election, ensuring that our nation's military will remain strong, our families safe, and our taxes low."

"I'm honored to serve as Vice Chairman of Fred Thompson's Illinois operation. Fred Thompson has the clear vision and common sense conservative principles that we need in Washington to address the modern challenges facing our nation," said Congressman Manzullo.

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