An update from Britain's ruling that Gore's movie should not be shown in schools without balancing material:
SPPI has revealed 35 errors in Al Gore’s climate movie An Inconvenient Truth:The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, an expert witness in the UK legal case condemning the movie, compiled the science-based list in response to recent inaccurate public comments by Gore’s environment advisor relative to the High Court’s findings.
Said Monckton, “Each of Gore’s 35 errors distorts or exaggerates in one direction only – toward unjustifiable alarmism. The likelihood that all 35 would fall one way by inadvertence is less than 1 in 34 billion. Gore’s movie is not only inaccurate but prejudiced. The movie is unsuitable for children. It should not be shown in schools.”
The nine discrepancies between scientists and Gore listed by the Judge include:
Scientists: Greenland and Antarctica may add 2.5in to sea-level rise in 100 years. Gore: 20ft. Scientists: Pacific sea level has hardly changed. Gore: whole populations have been evacuated. Scientists: the thermohaline circulation may slow. Gore: it will stop. Scientists: in past climate, temperature rose before CO2. Gore: CO2 changed first. Scientists: long-term climate shifts and deforestation are melting the snows of Kilimanjaro. Gore: “global warming” is at fault. Scientists: over-extraction of water and new farming methods dried Lake Chad. Gore: “global warming”. Scientists: one-off events like Katrina cannot be attributed to “global warming”. Gore: “global warming”; Scientists: high winds killed four polar bears where sea ice is growing. Gore: they died swimming to find ice. Scientists: an exceptional El Nino bleached corals in 1998. Gore: “global warming” did.
Go here for the full text from SPPI.
Renowned MIT Professor of Atmospheric Sciences Richard Lindzen was in Chicago recently and had a bit to say on global warming. As my friend emailed, an alum who heard Lindzen's talk, "His PhD is in mathematics, not meteorology. After he got his math PhD from Harvard, the first way he was able to use it was doing mathematical modeling of weather. That's how he got into meteorology. Ergo, he's prolly MUCH more rigorous than a lot of "climatologists" out there."
(Requests for a pdf of his slides may be made to rlindzen at mit.edu.) Here are a few key points from the professor's presentation, from one introductory slide:
With respect to global warming, the last two years have been characterized by the following:
1. A great increase in alarmist propaganda, characterized by Gore's Inconvenient Truth.
2. An IPCC report with a meaningless iconic statement attributing recent warming mostly to man without noting that the warming was too small (compared to model projections) even if man accounted for all of it. This is commonly spun to make it sound like support for item 1.3. A considerable number of independent papers in the scientific literature showing a very low climate sensitivity to increasing CO2.
4. The realization that there has been no discernible global warming for about a decade.
These items have generally been ignored by the media.Al Gore, you flunk the test. And so does the MSM.
Related posts: In League with Liberals, Cool It
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