The latest Che chic. The Economist, "Why the Che myth is bad for the left":
The wider the cult spreads, the further it strays from the man. Rather than a Christian romantic, Guevara was a ruthless and dogmatic Marxist, who stood not for liberation but for a new tyranny. In the Sierra Maestra, he shot those suspected of treachery; in victory, Mr Castro placed him in charge of the firing squads that executed “counter-revolutionaries”; as minister of industries, Guevara advocated expropriation down to the last farm and shop. His exhortation to guerrilla warfare, irrespective of political circumstance, lured thousands of idealistic Latin Americans to their deaths, helped to create brutal dictatorships and delayed the achievement of democracy.He was a cold-blooded killer. Look, the left doesn't want to know the truth. That's why they're the Left.
Sadly, Guevara's example is invoked not just by teenagers but by some Latin American governments. In Venezuela, Hugo Chávez wants to create the guevarista “new man” (see article), just when Cuba is having second thoughts.
So maybe capitalism has the last laugh.
HT The Bench.
P.S. Ah yes, New Trier High School still sports the Young Communist Club. It meets Tuesdays at 3:30 on the Winnetka Campus. (on the right side of the page, clubs-who, what, etc. Click Winnetka and scroll down page 4 on the PDF.) Your capitalist taxes pay for this elitist lunacy. Sponsor Sterling Humphrey. Killers are OK. Yeah.
P.P.S. Mr. Humphrey was part of New Trier High School's illustrious strategic plan component "Ethical Conduct and Global Citizenship Action Plan Recommendations", implemented this last spring apparently.
One more note: Red or Dead--it's education!
Previous post: It's the Culture, Stupid
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