Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Lonely War

Daily Telegraph reporting good news from Anbar, along the Syrian border. Under its "Ramadan assassination program", a desperate AQ targets yet another Awakening movement in yet another province, Salahadin, "one of the last refuges for al Qaeda in Iraq", according to Bill Roggio.

The efforts of Iran in killing our troops and attempting to destabilize Iraq become more clear, as its ambassador to Iraq is revealed to be a terrorist Quds Force member, protected by diplomatic immunity. (Recall Iran's President Ahmadinejad was involved in the terrorist takeover of our embassy in Iran over 25 years ago, launching Iran as the Terror State it continues to be today.)

Yet much of this real news is not being reported in the MSM. Newsbusters: ‘Journalists’ Tell Howard Kurtz Why Good News from Iraq Shouldn’t Get Reported (updated w/video). More from This ain't hell.

Rich Lowry, NRO, RCP:
South of here in the rural Sunni area known as the "Triangle of Death," there are 137 tribes and subtribes -- what an officer of the 2nd Brigade of the Army's 10th Mountain Division calls "an archipelago of complex societal islands." We have begun to master them. The tribes have produced thousands of volunteers to police the area, and violence has plummeted. But the story hasn't gotten out. Troops laugh about a reporter who refused to get off an aircraft upon learning that it had alighted in the dreaded Triangle of Death.

That kind of disconnect with press coverage and the debate back home is a constant theme. The Senate recently passed a resolution sponsored by Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., calling for splitting Iraq in three. A colonel here scoffs that the Senate managed to agree on the one step that basically no one in Iraq wants to take.

Tom Bevan, RCP Blog on confidence in the media.

For something else we can do on the home front, help Matthew Burden, otherwise known as Blackfive, win a blogger scholarship for further schooling. Vote.

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