Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Nalepa Supports Sauerberg

(Press release from the Sauerberg Campaign)

Jim Nalepa Endorses Steve Sauerberg for U.S. Senate

Unified Republicans Now Focus on Defeating Dick Durbin

(Western Springs, IL) - Today, businessman Jim Nalepa announced he would not seek the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate, and instead is endorsing the campaign of Steve Sauerberg, M.D.

"After carefully looking at this race, and the candidates in the field, it became clear to me that Steve Sauerberg and I shared the same vision and goal - returning Illinois values to Washington by defeating far left-liberal Dick Durbin," said Nalepa. "Steve has put together a tremendous campaign and built a large grassroots network of support in a short time. It's clear that his message of securing our borders, cutting taxes, and instituting real healthcare reform is resonating with the taxpayers, families and seniors of Illinois. Furthermore, Steve has made it clear that he will be an outspoken advocate for our brave men and women in uniform - an issue that I care deeply about. I am excited to announce my support for Republican Steve Sauerberg for the U.S. Senate and am confident that we can defeat the now very out of touch Dick Durbin in 2008."

We are excited about the prospects of a unified Republican Party working to unseat Durbin in November of 2008. "Jim Nalepa is a patriot and a gentleman, and I am honored to have his support for my campaign. I appreciate the thoughtfulness and dedication to Illinois values that Jim has brought to this process. I look forward to working with him, and all of Illinois' veterans, taxpayers and families, to defeat Dick Durbin," said Sauerberg.

Previous posts: Dr. Sauerberg's Rx for Good Health, That Forceful Dick Durbin

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