Monday, October 08, 2007

Sadistic and Moronic

I remember this book from a few years ago--it may still be on the reading list at Wilmette Jr. High. It's bigoted trash masquerading as literature, but once again parents who protest are portrayed as unenlightened. Dennis Byrne:
There's also the portrayal of the Catholic brothers who teach at the fictional high school. It takes more than a suspension of belief to think that such a sadistic, moronic faculty could be running this or any school. Or that they would sit by while letting a secret club of callous students victimize other students. Having graduated from a high school operated by the no-nonsense Christian Brothers, I see the book's portrayal of teaching brothers as hackneyed, cruel and unfair.
Well, I would only differ with Mr. Byrne on this point-- you would be most likely to find a sadistic, moronic faculty in a public school. In a private school parents would yank their kids out.

And I remember the (Liberal) American Library Association's banned book list that they trotted around to 10 year olds in the middle schools, citing intellectual freedom for kids to be able to read The Joy of Sex, or another great work whose pivotal scene was described as a gang rape of an 8 year old. How could any thinking parent object to that for their child? How indeed. Talk about sadistic and moronic.

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