Thursday, November 01, 2007

And This Man Wants to Be President?

I know some of you have seen this picture of Barack Obama at the Harkin steak fry in Iowa, but in case you haven't, one of my regular readers just sent it to me, outraged---"and this man wants to be president?!" Reportedly he didn't say the pledge either, (though that can't be confirmed).

Too much of a commitment I guess. Not enough nuance.

Oh, but apparently his campaign has supplied photos of his hand over his heart in the past---guess he was for America...before he was against it.

And in what surely must be the final kiss of death to his campaign, La Hunter has lost hope. (miffed that he's been "keeping the Chicago press at arm's length)

Previous posts: No Dem Field of Dreams, The Alien Vote, Make or Break for Barack

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