The bill, which Schakowsky dubbed the S.O.S. -- "Stop Outsourcing Security" -- Act, would force the State Department to phase out an estimated 800 private diplomatic security guards within six months of enactment. It would ban other private security guards in Iraq, Afghanistan and anywhere else Congress has authorized the use of force by 2009.We could call it Screw Our State Dept. or Shame On Schakowsky. Diplomats don't count if you can smear a private sector security firm, comprised of highly trained patriotic Americans who are risking their lives to protect others--Schakowsky and the Dems call them "mercenaries", as if they were for hire to the highest bidder. (Does this sound like some in Congress to you?) Apparently she is worried about equal pay or something. So Jan, I think you should make minimum wage--give up that mercenary congressional salary. And do your own windows. But there's more:
Rep. Bob Filner (D-Calif.), the chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee and a historian by trade, said history shows "mercenary armies can overthrow democracy."Speaking about Blackwater in particular, he added: "A private army, in the hands of people in a democracy, is fatal... it's very fragile, this democracy."
House Democrats, holding on to sanity by a thread. (Maybe they're worried about the Kossacks storming the Do-Nothing Dem House?) (And what happened to the 2nd amendment?)
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