Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Seeing Through Hillary

This is not going away. Hillary publicly claimed on Larry King's show in 2004, the Clinton Presidential Library would be a model of transparency:
"That's one of the things the library really stands for. It physically stands for openness with all the glass and the light. But he wants it to be a place where people come and really study. And everything's going to be available."
Now presidents should be given deference in reviewing their records before release, but if you're running for president your records should be available and subject to the most rigorous public scrutiny--we are talking about electing a president, not rubberstamping a family dynasty. So, join me and the RNC in applying for your Clinton Presidential Library Card--because we, the people want to judge Hillary's "unique experience" in the "most ethical administration in history".

Hillary heavily leans on the press to shape the debate her way.

In case you missed it, Peggy Noonan responds to Hill and Bill's claims that the guys are ganging up on the girl:
Margaret Thatcher would no more have identified herself as a woman, or claimed special pleading that she was a mere frail girl, or asked you to sympathize with her because of her sex, than she would have called up the Kremlin and asked how quickly she could surrender.

She represented a movement. She was its head. She was great figure, a person in history, and she was a woman. She was in it for serious reasons, not to advance the claims of a gender but to reclaim for England its economic freedom, and return its political culture to common sense. Her rise wasn't symbolic but actual.

Hillary's a whiner. Her whining is all too characteristic of Democrats. Remember Bill biting his lip---"I've worked harder than anyone I know" before he reneged on his campaign promise and raised our taxes. She's patronizing and laughably transparent, even to Dem women:

Then Mrs. Clinton changed tack a little and told a group of women in West Burlington, Iowa, that they were going to clean up Washington together: "Bring your vacuum cleaners, bring your brushes, bring your brooms, bring your mops." It was all so incongruous--can anyone imagine the 20th century New Class professional Hillary Clinton picking up a vacuum cleaner? Isn't that what downtrodden pink collar workers abused by the patriarchy are for?

But even better, and more startling, people began to giggle. At Mrs. Clinton, a woman who has never inspired much mirth.
What a phony, and people are starting to see through her.

And, after questioning her failure to release documents, Obama stonewalls on his own records.

UPDATE: PlantGate continues. RCP Blog.

UPDATE: And from the producer of 24, via the American Spectator:
In the upcoming season, there will be a woman president played by Cherry Jones.

"If she's a really good character, she may help Hillary," Surnow joked. "So we may have to turn her into a bad character."

Surnow said he would probably be supporting Rudy Giuliani, and he asks, "Are we nuts thinking Hillary Clinton could be president of this country?"

Asked about the battle over popular culture, he said that conservatives should keep their heads up. "I happen to believe that the MoveOn culture is going to have to implode at some point," he said, and also remarked that it is actually liberals who are becoming more restrictive.
Previous post: Cheshire Democats, Hillary the Hedgehog, Too Slick Hillary, Shouldn't be doing nothing

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