Friday, December 28, 2007

Obama the Peacenik

David Axelrod's going for broke--parading Obama's domino theory of appeasement as a strength. NY Times:
The chief strategist of Senator Barack Obama’s campaign said Thursday that the assassination of the Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto “underscores the case for judgment” when voters begin to select their presidential candidates next week.

The strategist, David Axelrod, said voters should take into consideration that the Iraq war led to the rise of terrorist activity and political instability in Pakistan. Mr. Axelrod said that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton backed the Iraq war in 2002, while Mr. Obama did not.
The truth is we tied the Islamists up in Iraq and now that we're winning and the locals are tossing them out, they've turned to Pakistan, a soft target with a nuclear prize.

By this reasoning we shouldn't have gone into Afghanistan either, for fear of destabilizing the Taliban/AQ-backers who shared power in Pakistan at the time. Who gave aid to those who attacked us on Sept. 11th.

Axelrod's and Obama's argument fosters appeasement at any price. Obama's a peacenik, going after the peacenik vote, leaving the terrorists alone.

UPDATE: Kim Strassel, WSJ:
Everyone likes a fresh face, but voters have a way of trusting in the old, familiar ones in times of danger. Mrs. Clinton knows this, and has pounded Mr. Obama on his ability to protect us against terror. And yet Mr. Obama trundles along with his promise of a new political era. What exactly is that new era? Washington is gridlocked in part because congressional Democrats have attempted to govern with an agenda that is too liberal even for many in their own party.
And Obama may talk change, he may pose as a moderate, but his voting record is pure liberal, in the Illinois statehouse and the US Senate, (he only looks moderate in comparison to our other Senator, Dick Durbin who ranks as the most liberal) and his policies are the failed policies of the Left, recycled from the 60's.

And I would add this---Obama comes from my state of Illinois, one of the most corrupt in the country and has done nothing to clean it up. A one party Democrat state right now, where raising taxes is the order of the day and after months of bickering the state still has no budget.

UPDATE: HotAir describes Obama's take on Pakistan as insane.

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