Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Update on Wilmette Burglaries

(From the deputy chief, emailed around.)
What is the police department doing?
The police department has increased unmarked patrols in the neighborhoods that are in the current burglary pattern roughly Green Bay to Ridge and Isabella to Lake Avenue. This may not be apparent to residents because we are utilizing unmarked cars and covert vehicles. We have increased marked patrols in the neighborhoods surrounding the burglary area.
We are tracking the burglary pattern in conjunction with the Evanston and Skokie Police Departments as this burglary crew may be responsible for similar burglaries occurring in north Evanston and north/east Skokie as well.
What residents can do?
Be vigilant. Keep lights on, lock your property, and most importantly call if you observe suspicious persons or vehicles on your block. If you walk your dog in the evening hours, bring a cellular phone and call the police if you see something suspicious. Carry a notepad and pencil to record a license plate number of a vehicle that you don't recognize that may be parked on your block. If a crime occurs it can then forward to the police.
We have posted a notice on the Village website, utilized the local print media and sent out email alerts.
We are at a historical low in residential burglaries in the village. It may appear to residents that there are more burglaries now because the level of communication about those crimes has never been higher (due mainly to the internet & Silent Partner). We want residents to be informed- we do not want them to feel paranoid or unsafe. We are committing a significant amount of resources to the identification, arrest and successful prosecution of these offenders and I am confident of our eventual success.
Please call or email me if you have any further questions.

Brian M King
Deputy Chief
Wilmette Police Department
710 Ridge Road
Wilmette, IL 60091
direct: 847-853-7552

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