Thursday, February 21, 2008

Drugs Drive Latest Crime

Local police nab more responsible for crime wave in Wilmette, Skokie and Evanston. This follows last week's arrest when a Wilmette woman up at 5 in the morning (it wasn't me), spotted a car idling in the alley with its lights out.) Latest CBS2:
Evanston police have recovered stolen loot taken during a recent burglary spree, and they are now working to get the items back to their rightful owners.

As CBS 2's Kristyn Hartman reports, police from Evanston, Skokie and Wilmette all noticed a spike in residential burglaries recently. The municipalities' investigators compared notes and discovered similarities in everything from time of day to method of entry.

The suburbs' police departments joined forces and began surveillance.

In the meantime, Evanston police received a tip concerning drug activity in a home at 1904 Emerson St. This past Friday, they stumbled on a huge find at the home, discovering narcotics, $52,000 in cash, and what is believed to be stolen property worth more than $100,000.

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