Monday, February 04, 2008

Hillary Crying Again

Cry me another state. She's losing women. Hillary cries in Connecticut, but she's thinking of California. The Swamp.

Sorry, the kinder, gentler silly gender appeal Leftie women push doesn't work with Hillary as their candidate. Who can believe that? Supposedly women don't start wars, but she and Bill have started one in the Democrat party.

Dems on the warpath of identity politics.

UPDATE: Kate Michelman, who had supported Edwards, goes for Obama:
"Barack Obama is also calling our nation to the greatness that we all want but that we're uncertain we can still achieve,'' Michelman writes. "Others talk about greatness and they even say all the right words, but they do not bring those words to life. Their words do not grab us by the arms and pull us along together.
Watch out Kate--a woman scorned.

Related post: NOW Goes Nuts

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