Saturday, February 02, 2008

Make it Mitt for America's Future

Saturday UPDATE: John at Powerline, "A Reason to Support Mitt"--Dems may self-destruct.
The headlines this morning were about the economy. The first job losses since 2003. In Illinois we've lost manufacturing jobs again, Cook County the most. Across Illinois Review territory there are pockets of decline-- from the northwest, to east central, to the southwestern part of the state. Of course, Illinois farmers are doing OK, with commodity prices high.

When we vote on Tuesday, we need to ask ourselves--who can do the best job for the American economy? This is Governor Romney's pledge:
America faces economic challenges at home and abroad. We must improve America’s global competitiveness and unleash the American economy by rolling back tax rates across the board, eliminating taxes on middle class savings, making the Bush tax cuts permanent, lowering the corporate tax rate, making health care expenses tax deductible and eliminating the death tax once and for all.
Mitt Romney respects the hard work and achievement of private enterprise, has strong conservative positions across the board and is not afraid to debate them.

John McCain's solution is to cut discretionary spending. He has, in fact, been a hero in this arena--a porkbuster. All conservatives and Americans owe him a debt for this stance.

But as Governor Romney has pointed out, the problems of our government and the opportunities for our economy require more skill than saying no to a few bridges to nowhere. Entitlements are 60% of federal spending.

Governor Romney has proved to be a manager of government.

With liberal Massachusetts facing a $3 billion dollar deficit, Mitt Romney persuaded those blue-staters to elect him as governor. Governor Romney streamlined state government and successfully worked with a Democrat legislature to endorse his slashed spending, taking aim at local earmarks. He fought for legislation and brought Massachusetts' lagging welfare system up to federal workfare standards, managed to get agreement for Medicaid co-pays, and successfully pushed for legislation for new state employees to pay 25% of their health insurance costs, major achievements in tackling entitlements. Governor Romney inherited a state that had lost 141,000 jobs under his predecessor and from the lowest point during his term added 60,000 new jobs, shifting the focus to high-tech jobs. (If you haven't seen this impromptu testimonial from Cramer last June, check it out.)

At the end of his term he achieved a $2 billion surplus/rainy day fund, all without raising taxes. In contrast, Sen. John McCain was one of only two Republicans to vote against the Bush tax cut, which did so much to get us back on track after Sept. 11th. Governor Romney has pledged to cut taxes because he understands that lower tax rates lead to economic growth and opportunity for all Americans.

As to our economy, Sen. McCain has contrasted patriotism and profit. To be sure, our first duty is patriotism--but our collective wealth is due to the women and men who pursue profit, and incidentally, provide jobs, pay taxes, sponsor Little League teams. Our commonwealth, based on public, private and civil sectors depends on these women and men. Mitt Romney understands this. He has succeeded in the private sector at Bain, he has served in the civil sector rescuing the Salt Lake Olympics, and made government work in Massachussetts.

Vote for Mitt Romney for president.

UPDATE: Nicole Gelinas, CityJournal, "Mitt Romney’s Smart Tax Plan":
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney made a respectable showing in Tuesday’s Florida primary, and that’s good news for Americans worried about both the home-mortgage meltdown and their tax bills. Unlike Washington politicians, vying to outdo one another printing money to rescue Americans from falling home prices, Romney has proposed a bold long-term tax policy that would encourage Americans to choose their investments, both housing and otherwise, more wisely.
P.S. My friend Tom Mannis, The Bench "Don't Confuse Courage with Wisdom"

UPDATE: NRO notes from Mitt's brief conference call with conservative bloggers before Super Tuesday. Conservatives Flocking to Romney--endorsements coming home to Mitt. Morning Joe questions McCain's electabilityCalifornia conservatives not fans of Gov. Ahnold who has moved way left.

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