Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wilmette: Whose village is it anyway?

From my friend John at the Society of St. Barbara blog. It starts off this way:
Last Friday a rather informal, (but official) meeting was held at Chinoiserie Cafe in Wilmette in the 4th and Linden Business district to discuss propozed zoning changes to this small district. After some good coffee and rolls, 3 of our village trustees put forth a rather unknowable plan to raise building height limits in the neighborhood and decrease parking requirements. All of the trustees in attendance attempted the Orwellian feat of explaining how increasing the allowable height, actually controlled the building size in the neighborhood.
Read on. In which John crunches numbers (what a concept) and poses the question many of us are thinking--whose village is it anyway?

UPDATE: Open meeting violation? [Apparently it was an off-site subcommittee meeting, difficult to monitor though]

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