The suddenness of the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah stunned most Americans, but the start of this next battle is being telegraphed. American media might want to ask Senators Clinton and Obama about Israel's right to defend itself as the rocket attacks from the south escalate, and might also get about the business of informing the American public as to the aggressions against Israel being launched from Gaza.Their fellow Arabs assert AQ is in Gaza. Meanwhile at the UN, Putin's, uh Medvedev's Russians are in charge, deploring the escalating "violence". Dictators for terror, under the auspices of the UN.
Inevitably Israel gets hammered in the international media when it comes to blows with the Hamas jihadists, but the situation is simply as untenable as it would be for the U.S. if rockets were raining down on San Diego from Tijuana.
How many Americans also know that yesterday PLA President Mahmoud Abbas asserted that al Qaeda was in Gaza working with Hamas.
P.S. RedState asks, So, Senator Obama, when did we start rounding up Arab-American families? An Obama ad:RedState:
Anyway, when did we start doing this? In fact, why did we start doing this? Even if the current Presidential administration actually had taken the rather insensitive and bigoted assumption that Arab = Islamist (note suffix) terrorist/terrorist sympathizer (which, might I note, is a very difficult charge to make against the Bush administration while still keeping a straight face, much to the disappointment of various and sundry progressive masochism fetishists), it remains true that the vast majority of Arab-Americans are not Muslims, and that the vast majority of American Muslims are not Arabs. I somehow doubt that the government can be simultaneously dumb enough to carry out a boneheaded policy of rounding up Arab-American families, while at the same time being clever enough to simultaneously keep it off of the nightly news and not manage to round up Maronites by mistake.And are you your brothers' and sisters' keeper, Senator? What about the terrorist attacks on Israel? How cynical are you Barack?
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