Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Barack Bought His Bicycle

Barack Obama bought his new bicycle.

TaxProf Blog with returns, graphic summary and comment, in part:
What is surprising, given the recent controversy over Obama's membership in the Trinity United Church of Christ, is how little the Obamas apparently gave to charity -- well short of the biblical 10% tithe for all seven years.
Well, I guess it's a bit better than Al Gore, who only gave $300 as I recall when he made $200,000 during his presidential run. Tribune:
For example, in 2002, the year before Obama launched his campaign for U.S. Senate, the Obamas reported income of $259,394 and $1,050 in deductions for gifts to charity, below the national average.

In 2006, the couple's largest charitable gift — $22,500 — was to Trinity United Church of Christ, the home of Obama's controversial longtime pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr.
The NY Times notes and quotes:
The Obamas’ returns are striking on a number of levels. They show that the couple made very few charitable contributions, sometimes less than 1 percent of taxable income, until Mr. Obama began his run for the White House.
And tracks Michelle's U of C hospital salary increase when he became Senator, as well as her brief stint on Wal-Mart supplier TreeHouse Food's board.

Another personally cheap on charity liberal who is only generous with other people's money (taxpayers), even as he derides them with class-envy talk.

UPDATE: WSJ with several salient points, including this:
Sen. Obama's windfall from his book sales allowed him to purchase his $1.65 million Chicago home in 2005, but he was only able to complete the deal when Mr. Rezko stepped in to purchase an adjoining vacant lot on the property. The move has come under scrutiny because Mr. Rezko now is on trial for an influence-peddling scheme. Sen. Obama hasn't been accused of any wrongdoing in the case.
A reasonable conclusion based on the facts at hand.

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