Thursday, March 06, 2008

Governor Farce

UPDATE: Steven Malanga, City Journal. "New Jersey’s Bad Government Blues: The state’s residents have little to show for their crushing tax burden." Sound horribly familiar? [Intro to study cited here. Illinois rating here.]
Governor Blagojevich never fails to disappoint. As a total incompetent he is unmatched. He gives money to the wrong church, uh school, uh woman to fulfill a "campaign promise". We are talking a cool million here. Now his legal beagle claims he doesn't read legal documents before signing off on them. Tribune:
Gov. Rod Blagojevich's administration presented a confusing picture Wednesday of what his office knew about a woman who received a criminal pardon from the governor in 2007, even as her school received a $1 million state grant to reopen after being burned out of the Pilgrim Baptist Church.[snip]

Quinlan later said he forwarded the recommendation of the Illinois Prisoner Review Board to the governor to pardon her without reading Gill's full petition, in which she stated her connection to the school and made reference to the then-pending $1 million grant.

"I didn't mean to mislead anyone," Quinlan said.
Got that? Oh, and she's an administrator at a school after being pardoned for assaulting a police officer and serving time. There's more:
The school had already been on the state's radar.

In July 2006, the Illinois Department of Human Rights issued a decision saying the school and its personnel director should pay $40,000 to a kindergarten teacher who alleged she was sexually harassed and degraded by the personnel director, a relative of Gill.
Oh, and even as the state is reeling from high taxes and mountains of debt, the governor is seeking a replacement million to rebuild the church.

Governor Farce

Previous posts: Obama, Rezko and Governor Infamous, Governor $750 Million Gap

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