Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Great OBL

The gang that can't shoot straight. Al Qaeda attempts an attack on the US Embassy in Yemen, hits a girls' school, killing a security guard, wounding 13 schoolgirls, 3 grievously.

Yemen--Osama bin Laden's childhood home. The great OBL now known for an attack on young girls.

Liberals and the OBL enablers among them will no doubt say it's our fault. (Our embassy is of course a legitimate military target. We shouldn't have embassies overseas issuing visas for people to come to this country. How oppressive is that (?!)

Our embassy shouldn't be located next to a school.

Perhaps Dem ditz brain Sen. Patty Murray will claim OBL supported the school.

But maybe CNN, the craven news network will hold OBL's feet to the fire for collateral damage...Nah. After all, they were trying to hit the US Embassy. They should be given credit for that.

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