Friday, March 07, 2008

Hope is not just for the Dems

What's this? Party Donations Show GOP Edge? NY Times:
For all the success that Democratic presidential candidates have had in raising money — taking in a combined total of over $500 million in the current race — the Republicans are beating them in one crucial area of fund-raising: the money being raised by the parties themselves.

The Democratic National Committee ended 2007 nearly flat broke, with cash of $2.9 million and debts of $2.2 million. Since then it has raised some money, paid down debt and managed to put $3.7 million in its piggy bank. This compares, however, with $25 million that the Republican National Committee has in cash on hand, after having raised $97 million since the beginning of 2007.
Hmm. Of course Obama is raising big bucks and Hillary is no slouch either, but if they spend it all beating each other up and damaging the Dem brand that gives the GOP an opportunity. After all, John McCain has just begun to fight for the general election and will be racking up fundraising dollars over the next several months.

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