Sunday, March 16, 2008

More Fallout for Barack

The Rev. Wright is getting more play. Newsbusters, ( in full from CBS2 Chicago--doesn't it seem he puts on a bit more of a Southern accent?) LGF with clip of video of Obama praising Wright. And Juan Williams questioning Obama's credibility on Wright this morning on FoxNews Sunday also resonating. HotAir. Williams questions Obama's character and judgment.

UPDATE: Kansas City Star:

Two of Barack Obama's most important endorsements from America's Heartland are from Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius.

But how will the controversy that now surrounds Obama and his long-time pastor, Jeremiah Wright Jr., affect those endorsements?

At the very least, both Midwesterners will face pressure from Missourians and Kansans to back off their earlier enthusiastic support of Obama.

Both Sebelius and McCaskill will be watching very closely in the days ahead as Democrats in their states react to Wright's offensive words.

At some point, Sebelius and McCaskill will have to decide how strongly they will campaign for Obama in the light of those remarks.

Cleveland Leader: Barack's Pastor Becomes Liability to Campaign.

Fort Worth Star-Telegram:

We can get a close-up and personal look later this month at the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., an eloquent and sometimes controversial preacher and author who is pastor to Sen. Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey.

Wright, who built Trinity United Church of Christ from a small group to a 6,000-member congregation, the largest in his denomination, will be in Fort Worth to speak at Texas Christian University's Brite Divinity School. He will accept the Black Leadership Award offered by the divinity school during its "State of the Black Church" conference March 28-29.

LA Times Blog:

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright may have stepped down as pastor at Barack Obama's church in Chicago, but his sermons are still echoing through the presidential campaign -- some rather vile ones, as captured in a video that recently made its way to YouTube.
UPDATE: Al Gore's campaign manager Donna Brazile defends Obama on ABC this morning by saying that Wright is moderate as far as black pastors go. Obama's church accuses the media of character assassination. The Politico:
Politicians know a troublesome story has “broken through” the Eastern media echo chamber when Jay Leno is laughing at them.

In the case of the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., retiring pastor and outgoing spiritual adviser to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), it took less than 48 hours.

The fracas started Thursday morning, when ABC’s “Good Morning America” ran a Brian Ross expose on Wright that included old video of him saying: “The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God bless America’? No, no, no. Not God bless America. God [expletive] America.”

On Friday night, there was Leno on NBC’s “Tonight Show” joshing: “McCain was running so fast from President Bush, he ran into Barack Obama, who was running from his minister.”

The story had burst onto the radar screen of average Americans with as much velocity as any other story during the 2008 campaign.
Obama scrubs Wright from his testimonials on his campaign site.

Related post: MAD Dems

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