Monday, March 24, 2008

Pastor Disaster Magnified

Barack Obama:
This is not a crackpot church. Witness the fact that Bill Clinton invited him to the White House when he was having his personal crises.
Quite a testimonial. Quite the moral paragon, Rev. Wright. Comforting the comfortable.

Pastor Disaster magnified. Hearts bleed for those bleeding heart liberals.

Identity politics run amok. We are the ones we've been waiting for to beat each other up. (Another Barack mentor?! Book review:
In a speech to the graduating class of the California Institute of Integral Studies, Walker urges that we not fear the pause that "wisdom requires" when "something major is accomplished," despite our eagerness to rush into "The Future." She manages to show how this "moment of reflection" is natural and necessary, whether the defining event is college graduation, menopause or the buildup to a military invasion. Her 2002 lecture, "I Call That Man Religious," argues that Fidel Castro is a "truly religious man" because he "speaks out for the rights of the poor," in contrast to the Catholic Church, which hid its priests' abuse of children for so long. More contradictory is "Crimes Against Dog," in which she describes a visit to buy a labrador retriever and her discomfort at the similarity between dog breeders and slaveholders, but doesn't consider getting a mutt. Despite the annoying inclusion of homework-like assignments at the end of most essays, this book will inspire hope.
Menopause? Dogs? Amazon says "often rambling". Truly loony. Does "crackpot" come to mind? But I digress.)

Democrats--fighting for YOU, uh among themselves. (Oh no, what to do!?)

Why does this remind me of Brutus (The Clinton Dynasty's, uh Caeser's murderer):
Ater all, politicians sometimes indulge in ridiculous and unfair comparisons to make a point. And Barack Obama is an able politician.
But Brutus is an honorable man...
But ambitious men sometimes do a disservice to the best in their own communities. And Barack Obama is an ambitious man.
Is Barack is an "honorable man"?

Afflicting us with his dishonorable behavior.

Pastor Disaster. But he may bring down the Clintons too.

P.S. Obama may be the Messiah, but Rev. Wright is the new Jesus:

Moss issued several pleas to congregants to donate to what he called the “Resurrection Fund,” stressing that during this time of battle, money is needed to defend the church. He offered no additional specifics about the fund, telling churchgoers he didn’t want to get into it because Trinity is streaming the service live on the Web and the services are available for purchase on DVD.

He concluded with another analogy, saying, “In order to crucify him you’ve got to lift him up … he had more visibility on the cross than he did during his entire ministry.”

UPDATE: More local crackpots--anti-war protesters disrupt Easter mass:

Bob Gowrylow, a 70-year-old Holy Name usher who is battling cancer, wept in the lobby as he tried to clean the fake blood from his blazer. Gowrylow said he blames himself for not rushing down the aisle quickly enough to prevent the protesters from frightening parishioners.

Gowrylow, who said he had been recently released from a hospital, worried the worshipers missed an important Easter message because of the disruption. He missed the cardinal's homily himself because one of the demonstrators had squirted the fake blood in his ear and damaged his hearing aid.

"I've been an usher for 40 years, and something like this has never happened," he said. "I wish I could have done something to stop it."
P.P.S. Barack loves thy neighbor during his Senate race in 2004. LGF:
As he came in from the cold and took off his coat, I went up to greet him. He responded warmly, and volunteered, “Hey, I’m sorry I haven’t said more about Palestine right now, but we are in a tough primary race. I’m hoping when things calm down I can be more up front.” He referred to my activism, including columns I was contributing to the The Chicago Tribune critical of Israeli and US policy, “Keep up the good work!”
Also, interesting stat on the pastor disaster speech. Newsbusters:
[T]he poll displays no numbers flattering to Obama. Most startling is that blacks by 56% to 31% said the speech made them less likely to vote for him. [...]

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