Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Secession!! We Want Lincoln County!

My rabble-rousing women friends and I, the epicenter of the right-wing conspiracy we hatch from time to time over coffee, talked secession on Monday.

On Wednesday it's become a movement!

Chicago Tribune, "Cook tax increase has county border towns steaming:Palatine looking into ways it can secede from Cook County in wake of new increase":
After calling on Cook County Board President Todd Stroger to personally "explain himself" for pushing through a sales tax increase, some angry Palatine Village Council members said they had an even better idea -- secede from the county.

Talk of tax revolt was in the air this week as officials, business owners and taxpayers throughout the region voiced outrage. But perhaps nowhere was the outrage more visible than in communities that share a border with lower-tax counties.

"What really gets me most is it's not only us: It's going to be the schools along with the village, the park district, any taxing body -- the dollars are going to shift from our area," said Council member Scott Lamerand, who was among those leading the push to explore withdrawing from the county.
Palatine will be at a 10% sales tax compared to neighboring Lake County at 7%. My friends remembered the dream of Lincoln County. Time to revive it.

Next year commemorates Honest Abe's birth. What better way to honor Lincoln than to name a new county after him? A bright spot in the otherwise gloomy landscape of Illinois' politics--squeaky clean and shining with promise like a new penny.

It's a thought.

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