High-profile Democrat NY Governor Eliot Spitzer has been linked to a prostitution ring. NY Times:
ALBANY - Gov. Eliot Spitzer has been caught on a federal wiretap arranging to meet with a high-priced prostitute at a Washington hotel last month, according to a person briefed on the federal investigation.
An affidavit in the federal investigation into a prostitution ring said that a wiretap recording captured a man identified as Client 9 on a telephone call confirming plans to have a woman travel from New York to Washington, where he had reserved a hotel room. The person briefed on the case identified Mr. Spitzer as Client 9.
Mr. Spitzer today made a brief public appearance during which he apologized for his behavior, and described it as a “private matter.”
“I have acted in a way that violates my obligation to my family and violates my or any sense of right or wrong,” said Mr. Spitzer, who appeared with his wife Silda at his Manhattan office. “I apologize first and most importantly to my family. I apologize to the public to whom I promised better.”
“I have disappointed and failed to live up to the standard I expected of myself. I must now dedicate some time to regain the trust of my family.”
Before speaking, Mr. Spitzer stood with his arm around his wife; the two nodded and then strode forward together to face more than 100 reporters. Both had glassy, tear-filled eyes, but they did not cry.
The governor spoke for perhaps a minute and did not address his political future.
He declined to take questions and promised to report back soon. As he went to leave, three reporters screamed out, "Are you resigning? Are you resigning?", and Mr. Spitzer charged out of the room, slamming the door. [snip]
Mr. Spitzer gained national attention when he served as attorney general with his relentless pursuit of Wall Street wrongdoing. As attorney general, he also had prosecuted at least two prostitution rings as head of the state’s organized crime task force.In one such case in 2004, Mr. Spitzer spoke with revulsion and anger after announcing the arrest of 16 people for operating a high-end prostitution ring out of Staten Island.
The culture of corruption.
P.S. An earlier scandal, still being investigated:
And before he was revealed as a total slime, the sanctimonious Gov. Spitzer was about to address the pro-abort industry which traffics in killing innocents. Michelle Malkin. More background at the NY Sun, with this:Gov. Spitzer said yesterday he has been chastened by the dirty tricks scandal that rocked his administration, learning the value of humility and admitting his team "allowed our passion to get the best of us."
Spitzer's remarks were his most contrite and reflective since two of his top aides were blamed by Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for misusing the state police to collect information against Senate GOP leader Joe Bruno.
He went 300 miles from Albany to deliver them at the Chautauqua Institution in Jamestown, on the western edge of the state.
"Without vigilance and humility, righteousness can become self-righteousness," the governor said in his speech.
Emperors Club billed itself as a service for wealthy men that provided introductions to models as well as investment advice, according to its Web site, which has been taken down.UPDATE: Major MSM fail to mention party affiliation. Hillary scrubs references to her superdelegate and governor Spitzer on her website per HotAir. More hilarity ensues, via LGF:
UPDATE: More from memory lane. A repulsive guy.Media are reporting that the brothel involved charges up to $5,500 an hour, but according to the affidavit linked above, “Client-9” paid $4,300.
He must have gotten the Democratic New York Governor discount.
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