Monday, March 03, 2008

Thin-Skinned Barack Obama

UPDATE: NY Times The Caucus picks it up, "Obama on the Hot Seat" (Do you hear Hillary cackling somewhere?) (Emphasis mine--the MSM press corps--aside from the Chicago press--snaps out of the collective swoon.):
Ah, the joys of being a possible, could be front-runner.

Senator Barack Obama might have worn a bee-keeper’s hat as he held a press conference in San Antonio and faced a hornet swarm of questions. As Mr. Obama’s press conferences are relatively rare and often brief affairs, this one drew an awful lot of attention.

UPDATE: Liberal CBS News still carries water for Obama, reporting that he answered "unresolved questions" re Rezko. But the WaPo awards the Obama campaign 2 Pinocchios on the NAFTA flap.
Barack Obama stalked out of a press conference
, refusing to answer questions from Chicago-based media on Rezko in particular. Making the rounds of the MSM. Captain Ed of HotAir links to MSNBC's First Read:
Led by the Chicago press corps that has covered Obama for years, the candidate today faced a barrage of questions in what turned out to be a contentious news conference. Questions centered on why his campaign had denied that a meeting occurred between his chief economic advisor and Canadian officials as well as questions on his relationship with Tony Rezko, a Chicago land developer and fast food magnate, now on trial for corruption charges. [snip] Much of the back and forth, though, between reporters and Obama was about his relationship with Tony Rezko, with reporters demanding to know why new details were emerging from the case though Obama and his staff had claimed they had been forthright with all the details.

Obama and Carol Marin, political editor at NBC5 in Chicago and columnist at the Chicago Sun-Times, tangled over how up front Obama had been about Rezko. Obama cut off her line of questioning, saying that Marin's questions were personally motivated.

"Carol, can I just say I have to really dispute this,” Obama said. “It is true that you wanted an individual sit down, but I don't think that's fair to speak for the entire Chicago press corps because on this -- Let me finish," he interjected as she tried to interrupt. “Before you were reporting on these issues I had an avail,” Obama said, pointing to members of the Chicago press corps who were present, “where I literally stood there and took every question people could think of."

Lynn Sweet from the Chicago Sun-Times then jumped in and told Obama that he may have answered questions for the Chicago press, but many other reporters hadn't had a chance to hear him on the issue.
But Sweet has now updated her blog after checking with her Chicago colleagues and outlines several unanswered questions. Here's Carol's report again from last April--her questions still remain unanswered:UPDATE: The Swamp here. RCP Blog here.

P.S. Wonder if Maureen Dowd will write about this latest sensitive side of Barack.

UPDATE: Dan Curry, Reverse Spin asks the question Obama won't answer.

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