Sunday, April 27, 2008

Obama Calls Bloggers Liars

UPDATES below, Obama/Rezko, other donors.
Barack Obama calls bloggers liars. Hey Barack--don't your sainted words mean things? Are they so empty you can just say whatever you want when you want, even LIE whenever you want? Even lie at a recent debate where at least 10 million people watched you, when you said:
"I have never said that I don't wear flag pins or refuse to wear flag pins," he said in response to a voter's videotaped question. "This is the kind of manufactured issue that our politics has become obsessed with."
This was my post about that from last Saturday, America the Beautiful, where I went back to what he originally said in Iowa, when he first made it an issue. Now he's lying again--says he only was referring to politicians, not individuals wearing the flag pin. Another Indiana pander, clinging to the flag, since he lost Pennsylvania's bitter voters.

LGF: Obama calls bloggers liars for accurately reporting his words, goes back to eating waffle.

Allahpundit, HotAir: Obama’s stupid flag-pin dust-up turns stupider yet

Jake Tapper, ABC's Political Punch: Obama on Those Who Say He Doesn't Respect the Flag: 'It's a Lie'

After Pennsylvania...
It's been 20 years since Pennsylvania (21) voted Republican. Further complicating McCain's chances: The state's economy is bad and many Pennsylvanians have died in Iraq, the war he staunchly supports. Still, conservative swaths that are home to right-leaning Democrats could give McCain an opening. As usual, the Philadelphia suburbs figure to be pivotal.
...maybe Barack Obama is seeing his electability in jeopardy--all those states full of bitter voters who aren't clinging to him. He didn't do well enough in the Philly suburbs--that's why Hillary won the state. And telling lies and calling TV commentators and bloggers liars will not win you points in the war of words.

UPDATE: NY Times in the tank for Obama columnist Frank Rich calls the last Dem debate dumb, though he points out millions watched, makes no connection with Obama defeat. Chicago Tribune's The Swamp, "A God Gap for Obama? Does Obama have the guts to do a Lincoln Douglas debate?--masterful move by Hillary, given Obama claiming the mantle of Lincoln.

UPDATE: Obama with Chris Wallace on FoxNews Sunday, compares Rev. Wright to MLK. Blames media for reporting news. Throws bankers, lawyers in addition to the usual Republicans under the bus, plus Mayor Daley, joining Sen. Coburn in being compared to Bill Ayers. Hey--some of my best friends are domestic terrorists. Grandma already under the bus having been compared to the racist Rev. Wright, who has now been transformed into MLK. Got that?

Stay tuned...the offensive Rev. Wright on the Road:
Rev. Jeremiah Wright press offensive; he speaks Monday at the National Press Club

UPDATE: Transcript. Obama on FoxNews Sunday. Obama donor gets state grant. LA Times. Don't see this in the Chicago Tribune--they are sister papers--why not? [OK, found it from last night here, same story--but it's not on the lead page among other Obama stories.]

P.S. Bush makes a good quip about Obama at the White House correspondents dinner last night. And Alice Palmer, the woman Obama beat up on to win his first election...stumps for Hillary in Indiana. The Swamp.

UPDATE: The Politico wonders at (after his third primary loss) Obama's smooth campaign operation vs. Hillary's:
How has the Obama campaign managed to maintain an island of comparative calm?

A winning record undoubtedly aids the cohesion, Obama advisers and unaffiliated Democratic strategists said, but so do other key dynamics: a candidate intolerant of infighting, a clear line of authority and a healthy distance from the city they want to take over.

The Obama campaign reminds some observers of George W. Bush, circa 2000, who presided over a loyal, linear and leakless operation in Austin, Texas, while Al Gore stumbled through multiple makeovers first in Washington, D.C., and later in Nashville, Tenn.

“In a parallel universe kind of sense, there are real similarities” between Obama and Bush, said Jim Jordan, a Democratic consultant who left the top post in Sen. John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign amid a shakeup.
Ah, but they don't have Karl Rove, they have Barack Obama, a guy who fudges his words all the time now. A guy, kinda like John Kerry, who misunderestimates those "bitter" voters who understand him all too well. And by keeping his campaign headquartered in Chicago, Obama is in a bubble of his own--the latte liberal mindset of Hyde Park exemplified by Obama and Ayers, so non-judgmental to the point of rationalizing a friendship with a domestic terrorist, the radical racism of the Rev. Wright and his church, and the Chicago, Cook County, and Illinois corruption commonly engaged in by the likes of a Tony Rezko, who by the way is mentioned in front page stories related to his trial today on both the Chicago Sun Times and Chicago Tribune, which reach into Indiana, by the way. Did I say by the way? The Chicago way.

One more thing--Is Obama lobbying for cash? And new related post here. Dan Curry, Reverse Spin, Obama's parental notification lie.

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