Monday, April 14, 2008

Obama Lobbyist Darling

Despite his holier than thou talk, Obama is a lobbyist darling, taking in big bucks from employees of the corrupt Jack Abramoff's firm. Ed Morrissey, HotAir:
However, among the broad spectrum of lobbyists and legal firms, Hillary has taken in $15.7 million and Obama $13.8 million. McCain comes in last at $4.2 million.

The problem isn’t so much the lobbying money. After all, lobbyists represent people with real concerns about how federal dollars get allocated. The problem is the oozing hypocrisy of politicians who demonize lobbyists on one hand and then pander to them for contributions on the other. Obama paid almost $3,000 in rental fees for that event in which he raised so much money, and he continues to shriek about lobbyists while chasing their money, claiming to represent the little xenophobic religious gun-grabbing protectionist real Americans while doing so.

I don't have a problem with lobbyists--after all one person's special interest group is another's pet cause. The problem is the size of government which keeps getting bigger and bigger at our expense. Opposing lobbyists help keep track and tug back and forth over the size and scope of government. Some interest groups have essentially hired lobbyists just to protect themselves from big government incursions. The key is transparency, which Obama pays lip service to. But he's a big government liberal, so expect a growth industry of lobbyists and lawyers if he gets elected.

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