Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Shakeout at Rezko Trial

UPDATE (more below): The Arch wants to impeach Blago now? You go.

I doubt the Dems can manage that. I'd just as soon see him in jail. Maybe Fitzgerald could haul him off in cuffs. But I will join the movement. Thanks for getting it rolling Cal. Kudos to Illinois Review for pounding this for some time.
Did GOP bigwig and at a minimum prize jerk Bob Kjellander try to oust Patrick Fitzgerald? Tribune story, Rezko gavel to gavel. Well, I guess some good came out of that red-herring Valerie Plame investigation, if it did indeed tie up Fitzgerald so he couldn't be ousted from Illinois investigations, just when he was starting to get to the really good stuff, mostly involving Democrats by the way. How all of this shakes out remains to be seen, but if it even marginally cleans up Illinois politics it'll be an amazing accomplishment.

UPDATE: Missed this last night watching Hillary roll over the Big O. Dan Curry, Reverse Spin. Read it all, but especially this:

Ironically, the person most responsible for change in Illinois was Barack Obama’s predecessor, former US Senator Peter Fitzgerald, a Republican.

The more the pay-to-play investigation into Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s campaign/administration unfolds, the more that becomes apparent. The more evidence that emerges, the more it places Obama on the side of status quo/corruption and shows just how significant it was that Fitzgerald bucked his own party and chose U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald over its objections.

NY Times picks up the story, just the bare bones. Newsbusters notes the Trib still dancing around Blago being a Dem. AP doesn't mention it at all. (nor does the NY Times) Reuters mentions Obama's a Dem, but not Blago. Of course everyone knows who Obama is. Tant pis.

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